Business Name
Mailing Address
Primary Contact
First Name
Last Name
Primary Contact - Preferred Phone
Primary Contact - Email
Secondary Contact
First Name
Last Name
Secondary Contact - Preferred Phone
Production Facility Address
Business County
Number years in business
Baking Practices
Please indicate any that apply
Gluten Free
Tree Nut Free
Baking Practices, Other, Specify
Product Availability
Please indicate all products you intend to offer on a regular basis
Breads, yeast
Breads, Sweet
Pies, Tarts - Sweet
Pies, Tarts - Savory
Cookies, Sweet
Cookies, Sweet
Ethnic Specialities, please list specifics under Speciality Items
Speciality Items
Please list items which your prepare that make your product line unique, including seasonal speciality items.
Ingredient Sourcing
As a farmers market, we request that your ingredients be sourced from a local farm/producer whenever possible. Please indicate all local ingredients from local agricultural sources you use in the preparation of your baked goods.
Percent Local
Please select the option which best describes your sourcing practices
75 - 100% local ingredients
50 - 75% local ingredients
25 - 50 % local ingredients
less that 25% local ingredients
0% local ingredients
Outsourced Production
Please disclose the production facility/co-packer of any product you offer which is not produced by you.
Please list by the product, followed by production facility for each item.
Licenses and Registrations
Please provide a listing of any and all registrations and permits you hold to meet county, state and federal guidelines for food sales.
Select ALL that Apply
GRP should be holding a copy of each of these documents.
PDA = Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture
CCHD = Chester County Health Department
CCHD Retail Food Outlet License
CCHD Mobile Food Facility Pre-Package Only
CCHD Letter of Exemption
PDA Food Establishment Registration
PDA Limited Food Establishment Registration
PDA Retail Food Facility
PDA Milk Sanitation Permit
PDA Apiary License
PDA Commercial Feed License
I hold none of the above
GRP Farmers Markets
Which GRP Farmers Markets would you like to attend? (The market schedule listed below begins in May when our "season opens." Please contact us for information on winter market schedules.)
Eagleview Farmers Market at Town Center: Thursday 3 PM - 6:30 PM
Downingtown: Saturday 9 AM - 1 PM
Malvern: Saturday 9 AM - 1 PM
Accepted Payment
Do you accept any of the following:
Credit Cards
Debit Cards
Other Markets
Please provide a list of any other farmers markets you intend to participate in this season: